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Building a Better Claim Review Company

June 2021
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Nokomis Health | Founder Rich Henriksen

INTERVIEW WITH FOUNDER RICH HENRIKSEN How did you get started in the claims field? What was your career path prior to Nokomis? I graduated from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa with a biology degree and then received my master’s degree in hospital administration from The University of Iowa. Scott Anderson, the CEO of North Memorial…

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Winning the Battle on Health Care Costs

April 2021
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Health Care Interview

Industry conferences generally illuminate growing trends and broad, often brilliant ideas. Distinguished presenters glide through slides and issues providing probable causes and ideal answers. One can almost feel the enthusiasm ricocheting off the walls of Ballroom A… We’re going to make it after all!

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Schemes, Errors & Scams – How Uncommon Claim Review Leads to Savings

January 2021
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Nokomis Health | Stories from the Front Line

Nokomis Health’s coding team was reviewing a client’s out of network laboratory and a batch of genetic testing claims raised some questions. The claims appeared to be legitimate – the CPT code was valid, the diagnosis code supported the charge, the NPI and TIN were correct – but the charges were very high for the…

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Managing high-cost air-ambulance claims

November 2020
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Nokomis Health | Cadillac Tax

Nokomis recently reduced the cost of a $100,000 air ambulance claim by 76%.  As a national leader in payment integrity and claim support services, Nokomis once again demonstrated a unique understanding of a very nuanced and expensive corner of healthcare services.

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